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Over two decades of work has led to the breakthrough information compiled on EssencePath.com and contained within the EssencePath series of books. Our site is dedicated to providing you with valuable insights and guidance into the relationship between your Higher Self and your physically-bound self as well as the true nature of the universe. Please enjoy this site in the love, light and peace with which it was created, with the intention of assisting you to create a joyful and successful life experience.
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"Wheels of Creation: A Guide to Life After Death, Reincarnation & the Journey of Your Soul"
The newest book in the EssencePath series is a definitive and extraordinary exploration of the Soul's multidimensional journey, from its origins to how your Soul's energetic expression is perfected through the process of Reincarnation in lifetimes organized on "Wheels of Creation". This book unveils the mysteries surrounding birth, life and life-after-death for Human Angelics, including details of the journey one takes after physical death through the Astral realms towards reunification with the divine.
The Fifth book in the Essence Path series, "The Samuel Sessions: A Collection of Sessions, Essays, Transcripts and Revelations for achieving Higher Spiritual Guidance, understanding the Nature of the Multi-Dimensional Universe and Discovering Your Essence Path". An extraordinary compilation of spiritual guidance, essays, and revelations intended to assist a fuller understanding of metaphysical mysteries and the Universe.
The fourth book in the Essence Path series: "Timeline Collapse & Universal Ascension - The Future of Third Dimensional Earth and Fifth Dimensional Terra" is a riveting look at world events remote viewed and predicted as seen on the future timeline of Earth from now until 2569, and an exploration of the Ascension of Human Angelic Souls to Earth's Fifth Dimensional counterpart, Terra.
Book Three in the Essence Path series: "The System Lords and the Twelve Dimensional - New Revelations Concerning the Dimensional Shifts of 2012-2250 and the Evolution of the Human Angelic Soul Group", is an in depth look at universal structure and the Higher Dimensional Avatars who act as guardians to human consciousness and the growth of the Human Angelic Soul group.
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